A new study, The Church, intensive kinship, and global psychological variation, published in Science, makes the point that HBD Chick has been making for some time now:
A growing body of research suggests that populations around the globe vary substantially along several important psychological dimensions and that populations characterized as Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) are particularly unusual. People from these societies tend to be more individualistic, independent, and impersonally prosocial (e.g., trusting of strangers) while revealing less conformity and in-group loyalty. Although these patterns are now well documented, few efforts have sought to explain them. Here, we propose that the Western Church (i.e., the branch of Christianity that evolved into the Roman Catholic Church) transformed European kinship structures during the Middle Ages and that this transformation was a key factor behind a shift towards a WEIRDer psychology
The two Jonathan co-authors are new colleagues of Tyler Cowen‘s at GMU economics.
Is being WEIRD good or bad? WEIRD societies are certainly self-destructive, which is bad in Darwinian theory. In fact, in light of the Theory of Natural Selection, how does a society become WEIRD? It would seem to be impossible.
I wonder whether cousin-mate rates are dependent on some kind of physical mobility measure. If it’s safe to roam or to be roamed or it’s safer to be around roamers, you’re less likely to mate with a cousin?
I really have my doubts about the entire thesis, to be honest. Just how important are these things, anyway, these recorded mating patterns? How much can they be relied upon?
You go to look at the reality of it all, and I would wager that the “patterns of marriage” they’re looking at are mostly BS. Sure, the records say one thing, but… What are the actual realities of who was having sex with whom? What do all the genes actually say about that, vice the records down at the parish church?
I don’t disagree with the whole Hajnal line thing, but I do think that there should be a bit more actual verification of what the actual ground truth was. If the marriage patterns on paper actually reflect the gene lines, then maybe there’s something to it all, but… If not? What would analysis of the actual lineages say? How does that impact it all?
“…Just how important are these things, anyway, these recorded mating patterns?…”
I think they’re extremely important. Anyone who looks at the twins studies and sees just how alike identical twins are even though they’ve never met is astounded if there are honest. Another study that seems important to me is the Russian foxes that were bred over time to be tame, (civilized)
I think that this study shows much more than foxes just being able to tolerate humans. I think they bred for tameness but along with the genes for that they got…empathy. I can not advocate just how important this study is. I think that in this study they explain the rise of civilization and an explanation for why psychopaths are how they are.
The theory is very simple . This tameness is actually tied in with empathy. True you may lose some raw brain smarts to the enlargement of the centers of the brain for empathy but it allows much more in the way of cooperation. Much more important. Wild animals only have sympathy for their close kin. Everyone else is to fight or feed off of. Before people had enlarged areas in their brains for empathy there could be no way possible that they could build civilization. Think how many times you’ve been alone with someone and you could have killed them, taken their money and no one could finger you. Numerous times for most people but you don’t do this because you empathize. If you’re a psychopath you could just kill indiscriminately and it not bother you at all. Before civilization all humans were mostly psychopaths like animals so there could be no civilization.
I think this explains Jews also. The present Jewish cabal, tribe, whatever is just a bunch of animals that take advantage of others, they think that others deserve it because they’re psychopaths and have half-functional animal brains. They think that everyone else is stupid but actually what they are is empathetic and want to get along. The Spaths, (Jews), have no recognition what a perilous path they are following because psychopaths have poor awareness of risks. They’re fucked up and by societies standards mentally ill. The Jews have followed a path of animals that take advantage of the goodness of others. As soon as people realize that they are doing this, that it’s just the way they are, there’s no way to change them, they are animals that have no intention of changing and like they way things are, they will get rid of them just like people get rid of psychopaths.
Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.
Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”
I believe this also explains the demise of the Neanderthals. The Neanderthals were animals and had very little empathy. Since they could not work together and constantly attacked the Cro-Mags they eventually were attacked by cooperating Cro-Mags who got fed up with them. There’s a genetic signature of what the Neanderthals did still today. All the Neanderthal genes that have been passed down are from the Men. There seems to be no or little Female Neanderthal genes. I guess that the Neanderthals raped Cro-Mag Women until the Cro-Mags got sick of it and wiped most of them out.
I also think it very likely that the Jews ARE the remnants of the Neanderthals. In case you haven’t noticed the Jews effectively attacked and destroyed several notions in Anthropology. One was that there were different breeds of humans and another is the the form of different breeds could tell you a lot about that persons temperament and attitudes. The Jews spent a lot of time and money to wipe this out and for good reason. If you look at very Jewy Jews. Like the old fashioned Jews looked before mixing with Europeans as they have they look just like Neanderthals. Many still have this today. Wide mouths, large noses, long trunks, shorter skulls where the brain sections deal with empathy and short legs…Neanderthals.
Sam, that’s a little disturbing.
Seems like projection.
The part of WEIRD which is destructive is the last letter: D for Democratic.
Evidence so far is that Democracy means getting votes and getting votes means opening the doors to the treasury (and the borders, because more people means more votes) and handing out money that society hasn’t got to people who it turns out don’t think much of the D lot when it comes to voting.
All those cousins and brothers coming in certainly want parts of the WEIRD but not all of it.
Democracy isn’t the problem; the problem is the failure to successfully transmit the values and mores of the originating generation. We had a workable system here in the US, but the problem is that the things that made it work were not carried on by successive generations.
The early 19th Century Congresses would never have allowed the deficit and immigration to expand the way that they have; nor would the changes to the Constitution that enabled such things have been passed.
And, I’ll tell you exactly where the tipping point was reached: Women’s suffrage and the universal unquestioned franchise extended to everyone.
The fact that we allow any and all to vote on matters like taxation of the productive? LOL… Recipe for suicide, that is. Shut that off, restrict the vote to actual productive members of society and encourage life-shortening pastimes for the rest? Solve a lot of problems, that will.
Frankly, I think that if you’ve got a net lifetime of parasitism, you shouldn’t have the franchise. Period. Never contributed? No vote. Ever. Want to immigrate? Fine; either wait until you’ve established a track record as a productive citizen, or you can buy your right to vote with a lump-sum contribution to the treasury, say a few million dollars.
To elaborate, sophisticated genetic analysis is now, leaving the Neanderthal hypothesis in dire straits, and I’ve little idea why people focus on Israel’s involvement in 9/11, which is alleged, while ignoring the profusely professed plan to enslave the world to some weird noahide laws on pain of decapitation.
Just ask the evangelicals if the “messiah” they’re always singing about is the same person as Jesus.
And where did they get those verses, anyway?
Kirk: “The early 19th Century Congresses would never have allowed the deficit and immigration to expand the way that they have; nor would the changes to the Constitution that enabled such things have been passed.”
Nor would have the late 19th Century Congresses. And didn’t.
In fact, the debt (and government generally) didn’t begin ballooning until the decriminalization of woman voting. There was a very robust Harvard study that demonstrated this by exploiting the fact that it occurred in different states in different years over a period of about two decades.
Aaron Russo claims Rockefeller told him “we funded that” in order to “double the tax base”.
It’s always the same names, for some reason.
Wisdom passed down from generation will decay. The transmission is of poor fidelity. The only thing that slows the decay is each generation experiencing the truths for itself – this is like a refresh cycle in DRAM.
The Greatest Generation foolishly raised their kids in a bubble. The Boomers were told the what of this and that, but did not experience the why of anything, so they never internalized the values. It was all just parental lectures to them. Schooling, not education.
CVLR says,”…I’ve little idea why people focus on Israel’s involvement in 9/11, which is alleged…”
That’s the simplest thing in the world to answer. While many things I say would require reams and reams and volumes and volumes to prove not 9-11. I can prove the Jews are responsible with a few paragraphs.
On 9-11 building 7 fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air for roughly 108 feet. Since gravity would be the same on the rock, and the building, this means the only variable is what was supporting both. In this case the rock was supported by air and so the building, falling the same, MUST BE SUPPORTED BY AIR only also. They fell exactly the same speed. Well we all know the building wasn’t hovering in the air. We also know there were no fires sufficient to boil away 10 or 11 floors so that they were the same density as air, as required by it’s fall. That only leaves demo of some sort. Now I can easily see this and it can not be disputed. It’s simple high school physics. That the Jews own all the major media can also not be disputed and they, with their great genius brains, so they say, can not have missed that there had to be demo to get the effects we see.
There’s also plenty to back this up. This guy worked for the Emergency Management system of New York city and was in the building and said huge explosions blasted the lower section while he was in the building. Here’s his interview.
Ok I already linked one video with a guy in the building that said there were large explosions. Here’s another by a fire Marshall.
Fireman retired so now he can talk. He was right next to the building. Says,”…there was an explosion and the building came down…”
NIST FOIA released video taken between one and two hours before building #7 fell. There’s around three floors on fire. This shows there’s no way possible over 10 floors were vaporized so that the building could fall as it did.
Here’s numerous people saying there were explosives.
There’s a extremely good video by an engineer about the other buildings.
The only people that benefited from 9-11 was the Jews, Israel and MOSSAD. That they did this shows, or at least is a very big tell, that they are a big bunch of psychopaths. Only psychopaths would do something so brazen. There’s lots and lots more evidence but this should be enough for even the most simple minded.
Now some things I say might seem silly but not at all if you understand some of the ways psychopaths behave. The reason they can get away with so much is, they are perfect liars and they do stuff that no person in their right mind,(normal people) would do. People just can not believe that anyone would behave in such a manner but as soon as you realize that it is possible you begin to have the veil dropped before your eyes and from then on you just look at facts. Doesn’t matter how stupid what the Jews do just look at WHAT THEY ARE DOING, nothing else and see where it leads you.
If you really want to understand psychopaths, and Jews, you can’t do much better than reading this book. The best chapter that brings the whole thing into relief is chapter 19
“The Mask of Sanity” by Hervey M. Cleckley.
Here’s chapter 19 about Stanley, a psychopath. In one section a Women Stanley has beaten, cheated on and treated terribly is asked why she still loves him and she says it’s because no one has ever loved her or made her feel the same as him. It’s this “Love bombing” by the psychopath. He is able to lie so convincingly that she is totally fooled, for a time. Most people are more reserved but psychopaths can fake sincerity, while not believing one word of what they are saying. Look at the crazy shit that Stanley does. It makes no sense at all but he does do this.
Here’s another link but the place it’s from is kind of weird.
Forgot one link. Book.
Sam, with all respect, you’ve missed the point. Your facts may or may not be valid, but they are, in either case, difficult to comprehend. How am I supposed to know whether this is real authentic proof or made-up conspiracy-theorist jibberish? It’s tough.
On the other hand, it’s quite easy to find Jews stating outright that every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess obedience to Jewish rule.
Amusingly, the most enthusiastic supporters of Our Greatest Ally are self-identifying Christians, and it’s trivial to demonstrate that the noahide proscription of “idol worship” includes Christianity, because of course it does. If your favorite Christian is especially mulish, she may find the following Wikipedia entry enlightening: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_in_the_Talmud#Specific_references
Israel is my favorite country of all the countries.
I would have thought most Protestant traditions could escape the charge of idolatry, given their avoidance of images and historionic railing against Rome about them. They made sure to replicate and complete iconoclasm.
Get rid of that, and it’s just a dispute about the identity and timing of the Messiah.
Alas, Yahweh failed to provide sufficiently secure multifactor ID techniques in advance.
You would think so, but in actual practice the Jews apparently regard the Protestants as far more idolatrous than the Catholics, given the affinity between Jews and Catholics in the halls of power. Or maybe it’s just that the Protestants were willing to charge interest, so the Jews felt existentially slighted. Whatever the reason, since at least the time of Martin Luther’s “65,000 word antisemitic treatise”, On the Jews and Their Lies, Jews and Protestants have been oil and water, while Jews and Catholics have worked hand in glove, from the earliest days of the modern Vatican, to Know-Nothing era replacement immigration (Catholic), to 80’s-‘24 replacement immigration (Jewish), to Prohibition (a tepid Protestant response to the activities of Catholic-Jewish society), to the present-day Supreme Court (Catholic-Jewish), to the aggressive theocratic impulse escalating steadily from the 1970’s until today.
Not that any of this means much anymore, what with every old limit, every thought of propriety, every hint of dignity unceremoniously dissolving into a toxic green sludge. Remember when even after Alex Jones released that video of the burning owl effigy, it was still a crazy conspiracy theory? It feels like a different universe. Today little boys become little girls, the Catholic Pope runs around slobbering on Eritrean feet, and the former Press Secretary shakes his booty on an alleged “dance” competition television program with the official endorsement of the President himself.
I want to go back.
Yes, I was aware Luther blotted the Reformation’s copybook early on, so I should have taken that into consideration as a permanent stain.
I was more thinking in terms of doctrine, religious government, and attitudes to idols and to saints and other sins against pure monotheism.
But you’re on point in some of that Jewish/Catholic bit. That’s very American, and not sure it holds at all for Europe… but there’s something there. Perhaps common interests is more important than like attracting like but repelling unlike.
On your last para, yup. It’s like living in a particularly filthy nuthouse these days.
“Perhaps common interests is more important than like attracting like but repelling unlike.”
CVLR says…”..Sam, with all respect, you’ve missed the point…”
No I have not. I understand “my” point exactly. I do not in any way misunderstand nor am I confused.
“…How am I supposed to know whether this is real authentic proof or made-up conspiracy-theorist jibberish?…”
I’ll help you. The part about 9-11 and building 7 is so simplistic that anyone with common sense can follow it. If you’re talking about building 7 being a mystery to you, after following what I wrote and the videos, then I can’t help you. If you can’t follow common logic and simple high school level physics then…it’s hopeless talking to you about it. It may very well be that you’re not who I was corresponding to in the first place.
The rest…to document it I would have to write a encyclopedia. The rest is so that if a person starts looking at the Jews they will be primed to see patterns that I have over many, many,years of reading. The patterns are there but hard to follow. Many others have followed the same path well before my time coming to much the same conclusions. My twist is naming the genetic affliction and tying it to human evolution. I do claim a priori to relating civilization to empathy. I note the Jews affection for the opposite, tying this into their behavior and suggesting that they are remnants of earlier human behavior. To the best of my knowledge I’m the first to tie this into to a neat package.
Whenever anyone is describing something a bit nebulous and wishes to instruct someone it helps to have a big picture to see patterns that are not easily discernible. I’m providing a big picture, large scale map that others can read and see if it fits the facts on the ground. People who honestly look at some of the facts I provided will likely come to similar conclusions that I have.
I can’t say that I’m responsible but there’s an increasing meme that the Jews are a race of psychopaths. It’s commented on quite frequently. I do suspect that my tying their behavior to the behavior of psychopaths and some very revealing background links has helped this along.
One thing I wish to convey very strongly is that psychologist has said many times that the only way to deal with psychopaths is to not deal with them at all. Get them away from you and out of your lives. I suspect, and past actions have shown this to be true, that the only way to deal with the Jews is to get rid of them. Move them away from you. Peacefully but by any means we must get Jews out of your country. There’s no changing psychopaths. They like themselves. They like destroying peoples lives and I suspect the Jews are no in way different from looking at thousands of years of their behavior.
And we have here the typical Marxist hate, old as the world of those that can prosper. Like children. It is the same in school against a child that is smarter or appear to be so; the locusts like here hate that, instead of benefiting from that.
Sam, you’re very much missing the point.
You’re very much missing the point.
Fact’s, most people don’t think physics-first, or none of this would’ve happened. I’ve witnessed highly intelligent people see 23 angles of WTC 7 toppling like a tree.
Humans think ideology-first, and ideology is about who’s in your in-group. Why do you think religion works?
You could talk about certain radical discontinuities of policy before and after 9/11. That would at least be interesting. “Free fall speed” is neither interesting nor persuasive.
(Perhaps it isn’t interesting because it isn’t persuasive.)
Certainly there’s an envy of those who can prosper. That’s an experience as old as man himself. But people don’t generally discover in themselves a hatred of those who can prosper except they feel the game is rigged, and they’ve been swindled, as (for example) the Germans felt swindled after the Jews acquired a third of German real estate in the early 1920’s. This was after the German Revolution, mind you, which didn’t much please the Germans either.
So the key is not let people feel they’ve been swindled. Whether they’re actually swindled is irrelevant, it’s the feeling that’s important.
PR is king; Edward Bernays taught us that.
CVLR says,”…Sam, you’re very much missing the point…You could talk about certain radical discontinuities of policy before and after 9/11…”
HAHAHA good try. I bet you would like me to talk about “radical discontinuities” instead of a building that fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air. People don’t need “physics” to understand that.
“…I’ve witnessed highly intelligent people see 23 angles of WTC 7 toppling like a tree…”
That’s only Jim. I bet you know who he is. Since I was making him look foolish, can’t have that, he censored me on that subject. I mean what kind of stupidity does it take to say that something falling the same speed as a rock in air, straight down, can fall the same speed if it falls like a tree. That’s just major stupidity. Buffoonery of the highest order.
Of course I did give him an out. I said maybe the Arabs strung the whole building with high tensioned wires from top to bottom and when it fell the wires pulled the building down faster than it could going straight down. Of course that’s…not likely.
This is what Jews do. Try to deflect then if that doesn’t work just repeat lies over and over and censor everyone when they can’t weasel their way out of whatever nonsense they’re pushing.
What eventually happens is no one anywhere believes anything the Jews say. Even if it’s the truth. They just disregard anything said by a Jew as being most likely nonsense. This has already happened to the Jew media. It will eventually transfer to the Jews themselves. Can’t be stopped. Be interesting to see the outcome. I suspect the Jews will not be able to stop “the truth” because it’s the truth and eventually to thwart the truth you have to pile up so many lies it becomes difficult to keep them straight. Especially if you’re destroying whole countries like the USA and Europe. I also suspect we are well past “peak Jew” and their lies. Don’t know how long it will drag on but the end is near for the Jews. They should all move to Israel and save us, and them, some trouble.
It’s not in their nature though. Psychopaths have a very shitty risk assessment sense. It may be that they will try to use their blackmailed “leaders” to enact a huge blood bath. The odds of it succeeding is minusculely, vanishingly small. They don’t have the numbers. More people in just the State of Pennsylvania have hunting licenses than there are people in the entire US military. Now figure at best you can only get 10% fighters in the military, then you have to rotate them. 1/3 fighting, 1/3 refit and 1/3 training and seeing as how we’re only talking one State so far opposing this force. The citizens they need to fight far, far outreach these numbers. The numbers aren’t there. That doesn’t even begin to count the massive bleeding of man power when they start shooting average people.
I’m glad I’m not in their position. In all history they’ve done the same thing and it’s been a profitable ecological niche for them but…it’s gone. World wide instant communication shows people what the Jews have done. They can’t just move to another European country. There’s no more Whites to exploit. No one will want them. It doesn’t even matter if they destroy the US and Europe. The Asians know. They will never fall for the same treatment and Jews mental aberration means that they can’t, they just can’t, leave the Asians alone so eventually the Jews will be at the very least severely constrained.
Couldn’t happen to a better bunch.
My earlier sentiment, “Perhaps common interests is more important than like attracting like but repelling unlike,” was mostly to explain my reaction to Jews aligning with Catholics in the context of then Protestant America, rather than seeking alliance with Protestants over what, at least in a lot of ways, seem like greater ideological, organizational, sectarian, and aesthetic similarity. Under the circumstances of 19c America, it made such overwhelming sense for Catholics in general, and Irish and Italians in particular, to both compete violently with Jews and to work together against the English, that it must have been just about instinctive on both counts.
Still, the thing about the way I put it in that somewhat tossed off formula, is that all of politics and of war might be summed up as the argument to define common interests, what is or is not “like” and why, whether those axes are or are not opposed, and which to choose.
The ignorance is…
Why Italy treated the Jews much better than pretty much anyone else in 2 World War Europe?
Can any of you answer to that?
“Germans felt swindled after the Jews acquired a third of German real estate in the early 1920’s. This was after the German Revolution, mind you, which didn’t much please the Germans either.”
That is ridiculous
Jews acquired a third of German real estate in the early 1920’s. This was after the German Revolution, mind you, which didn’t much please the Germans either.”
“…that is ridiculous…”
Oh is it?
“Even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like a third of the real property in the Reich.”
Sir Arthur Bryant, Adolf Hitler (1940). “Unfinished victory”
It’s well known, I won’t even bother to give a link, everyone knows this, the Jews controlled the banks and inflated away the currency to where the average middle class German was in deep poverty while the culture was “enhanced” by the crudest of sexual depravity also mostly controlled by the Jews.
They’re doing much the same in the US but on a less hurried pace. Through financialization, controlling the cash and channeling it into their and their allies pockets, they control most of the business in the US. Don’t any of you remember the hostile takeovers in the 80′s and beyond where Jews raised a pile of debt on companies to take them over? I do. In many cases the pension funds of those unlucky enough to become a target were evaporated into the Jews pockets. Romney was a part of this. His firm took over a paper company with debt. They had zero debt before the takeover. They charged them, I think it was, $50 million a year for consulting. ( I guess their consulting advice was, PAY US or we’ll fire the managers). All those people lost everything. All they had worked for but the Jews and Romney got paid.
This was also the start of de-industrialization of the US. They outsourced everything they could. The Jews are like locust that strip the land to dirt and leave a desert.
The same thing happened to the Germans. You just can’t loot a country, pour hatred on their citizens, constantly call them names, attempt to defame and destroy their culture without them eventually getting pissed off. The Jews deserved all they got in all the cases they’ve been thrown out.
The Jews behavior is EXACTLY like a tribe of psychopaths in toto. I don’t care if all of them are not the aggregate behavior is exactly the same. Always crying about how abused they are the whole time looting, parasiting and trying to destroy the people they live among. It’s textbook psychopathy.
Lucklucky says:
I bet the answer is simple. The Italians were used to severe corruption and clannish behavior so never gave the Jews a chance to despoil them like the great thrashing the Germans took. The Germans had set up a legal and business system designed for honest people and when the Jews came in…well we know what they made of that “honor system”.
“…but in actual practice the Jews apparently regard the Protestants as far more idolatrous than the Catholics…”
You’re thinking too hard. There’s nothing to that all. The Jews ally with anyone they can to destroy the predominant racial group in any country they go to. Any Catholics that believe this are being played for fools. Ask the mass murdered Orthodox in Russia what they think about being,”closer to the Jews”.
If there were enough one armed green midgets they would ally with them.
There’s more to the earlier quote that might be of interest.
According to Sir Arthur Bryant the British historian (Unfinished Victory (1940 pp. 136-144):
“…It was the Jews with their international affiliations and their hereditary flair for finance who were best able to seize such opportunities.. They did so with such effect that, even in November 1938, after five years of anti-Semitic legislation and persecution, they still owned, according to the Times correspondent in Berlin, something like a third of the real property in the Reich. Most of it came into their hands during the inflation.. But to those who had lost their all, this bewildering transfer seemed a monstrous injustice. After prolonged sufferings they had now been deprived of their last possessions. They saw them pass into the hands of strangers, many of whom had not shared their sacrifices and who cared little or nothing for their national standards and traditions.. The Jews obtained a wonderful ascendancy in politics, business and the learned professions (in spite of constituting) less than one percent of the population.. The banks, including the Reichsbank and the big private banks, were practically controlled by them. So were the publishing trade, the cinema, the theatres and a large part of the press – all the normal means, in fact, by which public opinion in a civilized country is formed.. The largest newspaper combine in the country with a daily circulation of four millions was a Jewish monopoly.. Every year it became harder and harder for a gentile to gain or keep a foothold in any privileged occupation.. At this time it was not the ‘Aryans’ who exercised racial discrimination. It was a discrimination that operated without violence. It was exercised by a minority against a majority. There was no persecution, only elimination.. It was the contrast between the wealth enjoyed – and lavishly displayed – by aliens of cosmopolitan tastes, and the poverty and misery of native Germans, that has made anti-Semitism so dangerous and ugly a force in the new Europe. Beggars on horseback are seldom popular, least of all with those whom they have just thrown out of the saddle…”
I bet the answer is simple. The Italians were used to severe corruption and clannish behavior so never gave the Jews a chance to despoil them like the great thrashing the Germans took. The Germans had set up a legal and business system designed for honest people and when the Jews came in…well we know what they made of that “honor system”.
Banking started in Italy. The Republic started in Italy. The separation of powers started in Italy. Western Civilization started in Italy. Capitalism, that Marxist bad thing, started in Italy.
Obviously the retaliation against Western Civilization was Socialism, a tribal idea refurbished by intellectuals. With all that power it is just “natural” that millions of persons were murdered by social supremacists and racial supremacists.
Did you ever asked yourself why there is a city called Cincinnati?
“According to Sir Arthur Bryant the British historian (Unfinished Victory (1940 pp. 136-144):”
Some remarkable things were published in the sunset of the epoch before our own. It’s enough to make one wonder how the world would be had Ultracalvinism won.
“Banking started in Italy.”
Thanks, Venice.
“The Republic started in Italy.”
The Roman Republic was a very specific group of people, far more specific than “Italians”. And when it stopped being that very specific group of people, it stopped being Roman, and then it stopped being the Republic, and then it stopped being a republic.
More importantly, Rome was Greece with Roman characteristics.
“The separation of powers started in Italy.”
See above.
“The Western Civilization started in Italy.”
See above.
“Capitalism, that Marxist bad thing started in Italy.”
Revolutionary industrial capitalism, which manifestly dissolved the old order, began in England.
“Obviously the retaliation against Western Civilization was the Socialism, a tribal idea refurbished by intellectuals.”
“With all that power it is just “natural” that millions of persons were murdered by social supremacists and racial supremacists.”
Are we talking about the Holodomor or the Great Leap Forward? I don’t know the Great Leap Forward to have had a racial component, but maybe you have better information than I do.
“Did you ever asked yourself why there is a city called Cincinnati?”
Because neoclassicalism is the highest cultural expression in surviving history, and the Founding Fathers were geniuses and studs?
“…Banking started in Italy. The Republic started in Italy. The separation of powers started in Italy. Western Civilization started in Italy. Capitalism, that Marxist bad thing, started in Italy.
Obviously the retaliation against Western Civilization was Socialism, a tribal idea refurbished by intellectuals…”
Sam J. makes motorboating sound with lips in response.
All correct. The nation-states we now call France, Spain, Italy, Greece or Germany even relatively new. Were originally a variety of city-states, dukedoms, principalities.
Venice, Siena, Florence, Pisa would not have described themselves as Italian.
The phrase “honor system” makes me think of “honor culture” which makes me think of violent hillbillies feuding. But free associating proves nothing. It’s a clue, not a proof.
The whole problem with honor is it doesn’t scale. It only works when everyone knows each other and so you have a reputation at stake. If you try to live by honor, you either live in some small town in the middle of nowhere or you get eaten alive by the land sharks in town. Either way, you won’t make it big.
There is no honor between strangers.
That is the culture of Italy maybe excluding partially the South, that is the reason that Republics appeared in Venezia, Genova, etc.
So you have no argument that modernity was build with a path to Freedom, limits to power and Marxism is a reaction against that?
I am talking precisely about that.
Read more carefully the expression Social Supremacists and think about its meaning.
The extermination of social classes and its defense is made by Social Supremacists = Marxists, Communists.
I know people from the north of Italy don’t appreciate being lumped in with the people from the south of Italy. But they unified into a nation-state, so this is what they get.
Nationality is a social construct with an army to enforce it.
Harry Jones says,”The phrase “honor system” makes me think of “honor culture” which makes me think of violent hillbillies feuding.”
Frequently Jews distort the truth by redefining words so that they don’t mean what they say. Eventually they distort them to the point that they mean nothing. Got a dictionary. In case you don’t.
Definition of honor system
“a system (as at a college) whereby persons are trusted to abide by the regulations (as for a code of conduct) without supervision or surveillance”
At the very least you just made some shit up so that the phrase “honor System” would have negative connotations. I expect from this brief quote of yours you might not scale so well on the “honor System”.
I really hate this destruction of the language but there is an upside to it. I was reading about CIA Director William Casey’s statement, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”, the other day. This is also along the same vein as the language destruction business.
The problem, for the Jews and their sycophants, is it won’t work. There’s a glitch in this sort of thinking on both the language destruction and the idea destruction schemes.
They think people will just continue to believe the lies they spout for as long as they want but they won’t. In the case of language destruction soon people will either invent new words or repurposed the destruction words they are fed. Liberal is a good example of a word destructed but now means feral evil people, instead of open to ideas.
The idea destruction will be the same somewhat. I believe there is a such a thing as a genetic “mind”. A general genetic mind is passed through a people. The temperament comes to mind but not encompass the whole. A good example is purebred herding dogs. They will herd anything, children, sheep, ducks, whatever they can find. The are COMPELLED to herd. Another good example is pit bulls, which I hate, that frequently tear the scalps off of children of stupid parents on a regular basis because stupid parents believe that,”it’s all in how you raise them”. No it’s not.
The same applies to humans and the genetic mind will eventually look at the diseased, corruption of ideas the Jews are feeding us and instead of believing what they tell us will believe anything that makes sense besides that. They also will learn to disregard any authority figures pronouncements as being nothing more than a pack of lies. The US is well along this path. Will it spark rebellion, maybe not, but any strangling of the populous could mean a serious, spontaneous uprising all at once because they know it’s a lie. I think a majority of Americans feel that it’s all a lie right now. What will be the “event” that causes them lash out in mass. I don’t think it can be foreseen. Could be something very small that no one would credit as being of any value and the next thing you know the politicians are hanging from the telephone poles.
“I know people from the north of Italy don’t appreciate being lumped in with the people from the south of Italy. But they unified into a nation-state, so this is what they get.”
I am talking about culture that forms into future behavior. The Liberal Republics formed in Italian North, not in South. That culture is what made a non Republican like Mussolini a moderate Socialist and not an brutal Socialist like Nazis or Communists.
Mussolini did not murdered the King and abolished the Monarchy, Communists did, and Nazis would do it too. Italian military in 2nd World War resisted Nazis to have Jews and others sent to concentration camps, much more than for example Vichy regime. When Italians occupied Southern France many people and Jews went there and Italians refused cooperation with Germans calling German behavior barbarous. This happened even outside Military, the resistance also included parts of political fascist police.