8 killed, 2,800 injured in pager blast attack

Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

Lebanon’s health minister says eight were killed and some 2,800 were wounded, including 200 seriously, in the pager blasts in Lebanon.

The Israeli military, which has engaged in tit-for-tat strikes with Hezbollah for months, said it would not be commenting on the incidents.


  1. Jim says:

    LOL, LMAO.

  2. Jim says:

    I don’t mean to make light of brownish spooks having their testicles blown off, but it does have a certain comedic value. The Israelis certainly had a good laugh about their latest and most innovative contribution to the annals of warfare. Who says that there is nothing new under the sun?

  3. Phileas Frogg says:

    Well, if those in power ever needed a tangible and immediate reason to stop relying on globalized markets and supply chains when perfectly workable domestic alternatives could be implemented overnight…perhaps the prospect of having their testicles remotely detonated will, at long last, convince them of such wisdom.

    Then again, we do have many non-testicled persons in power, so maybe they don’t care.

    We can hope.

  4. Bob Sykes says:

    The pager attack in Lebanon is morally reprehensible. The Israeli Ashkenazi showed a wanton disregard for innocent bystanders. In their obsession to kill Hezbollah, they injured dozens or hundreds of others.

    These Israeli Ashkenazi are rabid monsters who are a threat to every non-Jew they encounter. They are even a threat to other Jews. More than half the Jews who died on 10/7 were killed by the IDF, who in a panic shot up everything that moved.

    Zionism is Jewish fascism, and the Zionists have created an illegitimate, racist, apartheid state. They are actively attempting to drive all non-Jews out of Palestine, and genocide is their preferred method.

    Our support for Israel is shameful. The Ashkenazi monsters must be sent back to their European homelands. Their ancestry is only partially semitic; they are mostly germanic and slavic. And they have no valid claim on any part of Palestine.

  5. Michael van der Riet says:

    @bob_sykes First there was TDS now we have IDS.

  6. Gaikokumaniakku says:

    “The Ashkenazi monsters must be sent back to their European homelands.”

    Some people in Europe — Keir Starmer types — would welcome the Ashkenazis. I think the actual Europeans would not welcome the Ashkenazis.

  7. Jim says:

    Bob Sykes: “The Ashkenazi monsters must be sent back to their European homelands.”

    You want to involuntarily return the hereditary Ostjuden to the Russian Ukraine?

    Out of the mouths of babes….

  8. Lucklucky says:

    The only apartheid in Middle East is against women, against Copts, against Druzes, against Baha’i , against Zoroastrians and any religion and peoples that are not Islam.

    I guess Bob Sykes would call the occupation of Berlin…Apartheid too.

  9. Lucklucky says:

    Or when Pakistan was created, or when Bangladesh was created…

  10. Lucklucky says:

    Lebanon attacked Israel on 7 October.

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