Lazar Dukic, a 28-year-old athlete from Serbia, drowned at the CrossFit games as he approached the shore, after a 3.5-mile run and most of the 800-meter swim:
Cole Learn, a competitor from Ontario, Canada, told WFAA that he saw the athlete doing small turns in the water, trying to stay afloat before going under.
“It was at that time we started screaming to the lifeguard he needed help and in a few seconds he was under, he never came back up,” he said.
Other athletes have struggled during similar CrossFit competitions.
CrossFit athlete Mat Fraser had a close call in 2017, endurance coach Chris Hinshaw said in 2021 on the podcast Mark Bell’s Power Project.
Fraser almost drowned one year in the Games,” he said. Another athlete, Brent Fikowski, helped save him, according to Men’s Health.
That same year, Will Powell had difficulty during a 500-meter swim in Wisconsin. Two other athletes, Robert Caslin and Gus VanDerVoort, kept him from slipping under the water, WFAA reported.
When will vaxies learn?
Cramps happen.
But he drowned within sight of lifeguards, obviously with medics nearby, and somehow was not resuscitated? I would normally shout “bullshit!”… yet possibility of the Most Equal Healthcare System exhibiting terminal incompetence could not be discarded for a long while.
Dear CrossFit organization:
It’s called competition, not death match. Do better.