There’s fear and doubt and probably a significant amount of negative polarization

Tuesday, September 7th, 2021

So what would persuade the unvaccinated?

A recent iteration of the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey asked unvaccinated Americans about their reasons for putting off or refusing vaccination against COVID-19, and allowed them to select more than one option, resulting in a set of ranked concerns for COVID-vaccine skeptics. Just more than half of the respondents listed the potential side effects of the vaccines as a major concern. Perhaps they’ve been paying attention to the news. The New York Times recently reported that myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, is more common after COVID-19 vaccination; likewise, NPR featured a story earlier this month on university researchers looking into thousands of claims of menstrual changes following vaccination, and two days later Reuters ran a news article noting that European regulators were probing a skin rash and a pair of kidney disorders as possible side effects of the vaccines. None of these potential side effects has yet been verified by rigorous research. I think the vaccines are worth the slate of (what appear to me to be) relatively minor known risks (particularly when weighed against the risks of severe complications from getting COVID-19), and I haven’t had any sort of trouble since my Pfizer shots, which I got back in April — but that set of concerns is at least distinct from the total recalcitrance sometimes imputed to the unvaccinated.

Down the list we go: Nearly four in 10 unvaccinated Americans don’t trust the vaccines, which might be an expression of concern about either efficacy or side effects; a similar proportion want to wait and see whether they’re safe, which, again, is a deflatingly concrete concern, if not the decision I would (and did) make in the same situation. A third don’t trust the government (brothers and sisters: same here), and only then do we arrive at the just less than a quarter who don’t believe they personally need a vaccine. A rung down, after the 22 percent who aren’t sure that the vaccines are actually protective, are another 17 percent who don’t see COVID-19 as a major threat — a fairly small minority, all things considered.

What strikes me about the responses of the unvaccinated — as opposed to the tempting caricature presented by their worst representatives in pulpits and politics — is that there does seem to be significant willingness to consider vaccination, though I doubt that persuasion lies in lurid accounts of death or allegations that the unvaccinated themselves are guilty of killing those who end up infected. There’s fear and doubt and probably a significant amount of negative polarization — the god-awful inclination of each political faction to double down on its worst tendencies when opponents satirize or criticize them — worsened by the gross incentives of traditional and social media. But skepticism precludes certainty. That means there’s still openness — to the right kind of persuasion.


  1. Harry Jones says:

    I know someone who had a bad reaction to Moderna and nearly died. I had Moderna and it was no big deal in my case.

    There is no such thing as perfect safety. The only rational way to live is to gauge the risks and place your bet. I was a late adopter – I let lots of others go first.

    I got pneumonia as a kid. Everybody freaked out, and then I got better. The reason I got pneumonia was some of the same people who were freaking out had thought it was a good idea for me to go on a camping trip in the swamp, in the cold rain, with a ranting drunken Boy Scout troop leader. Then a relative died in a skydiving accident and I decided grownups don’t know anything about risk so I may as well hold my own counsel. Also, screw the Boy Scouts.

    Israel went big on Pfizer and it doesn’t seem to work very well for them. There’s just no telling.

  2. Pfriend says:

    A killed or attenuated vaccine would satisfy many of the hesitant. The major issue is lack of trust in our progressively divided society.

  3. Gavin Longmuir says:

    Anyone who has paid attention knows that at least 99.7% of us are going to survive the Dreaded Covid — and more like 100% of people who have no pre-existing medical conditions and are under 65. Given those undeniable realities, it would be interesting to see a similar survey of those who took the treatment — Why did they choose to do so?

    We can all see the high costs of the Political Class’s demonization of Covid — economic (very large), social (rather unpleasant), educational (long-term damaging), and — yes — medical (people with treatable diseases who cannot see doctors and get delayed treatment). And that is before consideration of known or possible future side-effects from the treatment.

    With all that, why did anyone outside the well-established High Risk groups choose to submit to the treatment?

  4. VXXC says:

    All of the above.

    Add: why would I suddenly trust sociopaths, psychopaths who express hatred for my kind, who desire to ERASE us with a vaccine they are suddenly all smiles about?

  5. Harry Jones says:

    I chose partly out of consideration for others: the only herd I want to be part of is herd immunity.

    And I got vaccinated because it would give me an excuse to resist wearing the damn face diapers.

  6. Gavin Longmuir says:

    Just another side thought — How many of the people who got the Covid injection did NOT get the flu vaccination? And why did those people not get the flu vaccination? What was the difference?

    There are a lot of parallels between Covid and the flu. Fatality rates are roughly comparable. The people most at risk are the old & sick. The viruses mutate quickly, meaning the injection may or may not offer protection. The flu vaccine is free to a large part of the population, just like the Covid treatment.

    If the people who took the Covid injectant were responding to rational concerns, nearly all of them should have been getting the flu vaccine every winter.

  7. Kgaard says:

    It was obvious in March 2020 the whole thing was a scam. Hydroxychloroquine was demonstrated to be an effective treatment and it was subject immediately to a coordinated hit job by all major media across the world. That’s when I knew the fix was in. If they are all lying about the treatments, why would you take a vaccine pushed by the same people?

  8. Paul from Canada says:

    I am amused by the MSM with their stories of “ignorant anti-vaxers”, and how puzzled they are by these “ignorant anti-science hicks”. They don’t seem to see the link between this and the breathless headlines they have been publishing; “Doctors baffled by strange side effects”….”Officials alarmed by menstrual irregularities in women who have been vaccinated”….

  9. Felix says:

    The 1st paragraph was hilarious. It might apply to the hard-core, RFKjr/Marin County anti-vaxers, but let’s just count on one hand the number of people in the US who haven’t been C19 vaccinated and who also take their orders from the NYT, NPR, or The Atlantic’s editor-free paid bloggers.

    To be fair, the article’s author did check with a family member who has not had a vaccine. She heard distrust of the vaccines. But, as one might expect, what with her job and family and all, did not hear distrust of vaccine backers.

  10. Wang Wei Lin says:

    Last sentence, “That means there’s still openness — to the right kind of persuasion.”

    Which is to say unvaccinated people like myself will be pestered until the persuasion becomes force.

    I agree with Pfriend. I would take a standard weakened virus based vaccine just like all the other vaccines that I willingly take.

  11. Altitude Zero says:

    Yes, if they want to overcome the “vaccine hesitancy” of about 75% of the unvaccinated, give us a normal vaccine, no mRNA. Otherwise shut up about it.

  12. Sam J. says:

    It appears based on the facts that can be seen that they want to kill off a many people as possible with this vax OR they have some sort of serious “I don’t no what effect” piggybacked on the vax.

    It’s known that these type vaccines have the effect of making the virus MORE virulent than less. They do not protect the public. They make things worse. They did with chicken vaccines so now they have made the virus so deadly everyone HAS to get the vax or their chickens all die off. Nice if you happen to make the vax. Good for profits.

    Maybe this is the plan to keep jabbing people until the virus gets so virulent it kills off everyone unless you constantly take their vax.

    Remember how they went all breathless about India and how everyone was going to die if they didn’t get vaxed and now you hear not a word. That’s because India made available to the whole entire country Ivermectin, except one province/State/ whatever. It completely knocked out the corona and that’s why you don’t hear about it anymore. Now the one province that took the advice of a Women who worked in their provinces heath industry and also had ties to the pharma industry said no one should take Ivermectin so a LOT of people died there. They are talking about prosecuting her and executing her for all the deaths.

    Now if a whole country of billions of people is not enough of a large scale test of the powers of a drug then I don’t know if there can ever be one. It’s obvious with these sort of results, and there are many more with Ivermectin, that they have some other ulterior motive than the safety of the public.

    It appears to me just on the face of the facts they want to murder as many people as possible and disrupt the economy as much as they can to drive us all into desperation.

    If they are not purposely trying to do this then they are at least doing everything they can to make it appear that way.

    These are seriously evil people.

  13. Goober says:

    Since others are asking, and some responded, I’ll give you my personal reasons for taking the vaccine:

    I have an autoimmune condition. I take the flu and pneumonia vaccines every year because part of the treatment for my condition is taking medications to suppress my immune system. I literally just had a minor cold that ran through my work place. Every other person who had this minor cold got a minor cold – sniffles and coughs for a couple days, tops. I’m in day 18 of recovering from a case of pneumonia that I got boomeranged back on me from getting this minor cold.

    I have no idea what COVID would do to me. I don’t want to find out.

    Am I 100% convinced of the vaccine’s effectiveness? No, I’m not. The data coming out of Israel is concerning, at best. It appears that the vax loses efficacy within about 6 months. However, the data still seems to bear out the reality that even if you get COVID after getting the vax, that it will most likely be far less severe (looks like about 9 times more hospitalizations are unvaxxed than vaxxed).

    Am I worried about the vax causing side effects or long term bad effects? Not really. Historically, vaccines haven’t really been causing long term effects simply because they are designed for your body to destroy them, so the actual vax, itself, is gone from your body within about 2 weeks. This isn’t a VIOXX or pfen-pfen situation – those are drugs that people took for long periods of time. Vaccines historically don’t work that way, so long term effects aren’t an issue.

    As for side ffects in general, yes, there is a risk, for sure and for certain, but that risk is waaay lower than the risk someone like me would face from actualy getting COVID, so it was an easy choice for me.

    Moving on to the real meat in the pie, though, the Government has come by this distrust honestly (or rather, dishonestly). People like Fauci need to quit lying to us. They need to learn how to say the words “I DON’T KNOW”. It isn’t hard. But their insistence on treating us like children and lying to us “for our own good” has completely destroyed any trust we might have in them. I understand the reticence to admit that they don’t know the answer to something, but their reaction to that reticence is to generally make some shit up, then find out they were wrong a few months later, and that sows distrust. When you are caught in an outright lie, and in Fauci’s case, you even admit to lying (about masks, specifically), you’ll find really quickly that people stop trusting what you say. You’ve lied before. You’ve even admitted to lying before. Now you want us to trust that you’re not lying to us now? Pinky swear? Go fuck yourself.

    Tell the truth, even when the truth is “I don’t know”. It’s not that hard, and a HUGE amount of this distrust wouldn’t exist. When the sources for truth become sources that you don’t trust, you’re going to try to find other sources, and human nature pretty much causes any source that’s telling you the opposite of the proven liars to be perceived as trustworthy. Even when they’re lying, too.

    So people are now trusting homeopathic and naturopathic “doctors” that they never would have listened to, before, because, to be quite honest, they’re saying the opposite of what the proven liars have said. I understand this completely.

    However, I’ve been taking vaccines my entire life with no issue. I took the COVID vaccine in March, and have had no issue, and haven’t gotten COVID (yet) in spite of having been exposed multiple times, so my experience with the vax has been positive to date, and I wouldn’t hesitate, from my own experience, to tell folks that I think it’s probably the best choice to go get it.

  14. Sam J. says:

    Harry Jones says, “I chose partly out of consideration for others: the only herd I want to be part of is herd immunity.”

    It appears this type vaccine is making the vaxed shed copious spike proteins. Herd infectors. If people are vaxed they should shut the hell up about the rest of us who are not so ignorant as to take this poison. I mean if they are vaxed they are not supposed to be at risk. And if they are still at risk then their vax is worthless.

    They should leave the rest of us alone. It’s a total lie that people getting vaxed are doing any of us any favors. It’s likely the opposite.

  15. Goober says:

    Sam J.:

    Consider the conspiracy to kill off a huge portion of the global population that you suggested from a project management standpoint. It’s literally impossible for what you stated to be the actual truth.

    How many people would need to be “in the know” and still be on board with that? You’re talking about millions of people. Literally millions. That’s just completely impossible. Not one of the people “in the know” has stepped forward and said “hey, gang, they’re trying to kill us all?” Really?

    Also, consider this: if the vax is designed to kill, this grand scheme is going to kill off all of the compliant, trusting “sheeple” and leave behind all the freedom-loving, ungovernable, untrusting and highly questioning folks that refused to get the vax. That’s a pretty huge backfire in the plan to reduce the population to make us more controllable, don’t you think?

    Also, why did they have to wait for COVID? If the plan was to kill people off for control, why not MMR? DTP? Polio? The flu shot? Why not put the “kill everyone” stuff in some other vax that we all are required to take, and have been required to take to get into schools, etc, for years? Why did they have to wait for COVID? Why not put it in the water, or the food chain?

    From a project management standpoint, and from a “just making practical sense” standpoint, any conspiracy theory that the vax is intentionally designed to kill people just doesn’t add up. It’s literally impossible.

    Also, to answer your question about why there is so much pressure to get vaxxed, the answer to that is also very simple. Ever heard the term “fuck around and find out?” Well, the longer we go about with this thing running amok in the general population, the longer we’re playing a game of “fuck around and find out” with COVID, because viruses in general populations morph and change over time. Recall the fatality rate of SARS 1 back in 2002 was around 15%. The saving grace of that pandemic is that it was much more difficult to catch and spread. People were generally not contagious until they were very, very sick, and so it was easy to quarantine them, and the disease was stopped pretty quickly. Every day that this thing is running around and not under control, is a day that we risk creating a virus that, say, maybe the vax doesn’t work for, anymore (which I’m concerned is what’s happened in Israel) or that, God forbid, ends up having a fatality rate that we really need to worry about.

    I’m not suggesting that these things couldn’t happen if we all got vaxxed, but it does become far less likely, and far more likely that it will die out before it becomes a SARS1 fatality rate with a SARS2 Delta transmissibility rate.

    Hopefully that explains why people are so pushy about others getting vaxxed. I mean, yeah, some of it is just busy-body Karens loving the power of being able to boss people around, but most of it is actually for good reason.

  16. Harry Jones says:

    Sam, I’m not going to lose much sleep over the spike proteins…

    Goober, it’s plausible that East Asians have a natural resistance to SARS type viruses due to multiple pandemics plus Darwin. And it’s plausible that the gongfei know this. They may have been hoping to exterminate all other races. Who needs trading partners when you own the entire planet?

    In which case, COVID-19 is a squib. And now the rest of the world will get that same resistance.

  17. VXXC says:

    Well, defiance of those who never miss an opportunity to lord over and degrade us is always appealing. I won’t submit, even if I think you’re right, and you’re all liars.

    Then we have the strange mysteries of COVID and the Vax itself…Too many lies to take the chance on the vax.

    Oh, and the vax pushers? Well, if our lack of vax does kill you, you won’t be missed.

    Of course the feeling is not only mutual — that has been your feeling all along towards us. No, I don’t want your vax. You hate us. and you expressly want us dead, so, no, on your sudden concern for our well being.

  18. Sam J. says:

    Goober says,”…Am I worried about the vax causing side effects or long term bad effects? Not really. Historically, vaccines haven’t really been causing long term effects simply because they are designed for your body to destroy them, so the actual vax, itself, is gone from your body within about 2 weeks. …”

    This is not a normal vaccine so you can not judge it actions the same. It’s genetic engineering that engineers you body to produce parts of a virus.

    I quit taking any sort of vaccines after the contaminated swine flu vax when they had bird flu (ring a bell, corona) contaminating the vaccines. This is physically not supposed to happen but but did.

    “…Consider the conspiracy to kill off a huge portion of the global population that you suggested from a project management standpoint. It’s literally impossible for what you stated to be the actual truth…”

    All your objections are perfectly reasonable and make perfectly good common sense unless. What if the people doing this are not reasonable? What if they do not care for your reasonableness? You must admit at least the possibility. It is valid “IF” these people do not at all share the same sensibilities as you do.

    Now I used to think as you that “reasonable” people would not do outsourced horrible things but now I know that they do.

    Let’s look at reasonable. On 9-11 aircraft piled into buildings in the NYCTC. One building that was not hit by a plane, building 7, and with only a few fires on 3 or 4 floors collapsed so fast that the only thing holding it up was air for roughly 108 feet. Now is that reasonable? Did the people who did that think in what you would call a reasonable manner? You must admit, unless you are completely foolish or ignorant, that a building full of steel columns, concrete, etc. can not fall as if only air held it up for 108 feet. There’s no doubt at all, not even the slightest that someone demoed that building in some way and judging from the way the other two fell it’s fairly impossible that they were not demoed also.

    Now once you realize that there are unreasonable and what we would consider crazy evil nutcases around and about and that they can get away with these kinds of things then it doesn’t seem at all unreasonable that they are trying to kill us off with the vax.

    I no longer judge things by what is reasonable or not. I only judge things by what actual verifiable facts I can dig up. The verifiable facts are that we have a corona virus “possibly” emanating from China that was paid for by US government resources, that was engineered with gain of function to make it more virulent, that over 5 national research centers publicly said they were going to write papers saying the virus was engineered, then retracted their papers. We have a liar who is blatantly lying about most anything he talks about in charge of of national health in the US. He and many others have done their best to stop any drugs being used that have been proven with many, many, many case studies to rapidly cure patients with corona.(A whole entire country of billions in India as I mentioned) They have even gone so far as to fire doctors who promote drugs that are effective. The medical industry has fired and silenced people who promote effective drugs.

    So what exactly is unreasonable about what I have said realizing that this is the case. I’m not making this up. There’s a vast amount of evidence no matter how they try to shut it down.

    What I finally realized after many years is that people who run things are psychopaths and they do things that are not reasonable to normal people and that they will keep doing these thing until you jail them or kill them.

    It’s amusing to them that people such as yourself complain that what they are doing can’t possibly be true because,”it’s not reasonable”.

    If you want to study this idea further here’s this excellent book on Psychopaths by Hervey Cleckley, “The Mask of Sanity” every now and then. There’s one chapter, the whole book is good, but this one chapter really lays out the absurd behavior of psychopaths.

    [Part 1: The disorder in full clinical manifestations, 19. Stanley ]It’s about the psychopath Stanley. Who does all kinds of manic bullshit and spends all his time feeding people the most outrageous lies. Look at the astounding array of things he’s able to get away with. Maybe it will remind you of a certain tribe.

    The whole book is on the web and worth reading.

    If you read this you notice that the actions of this psychopath Stanley are similar to actions going on on all around you today.

    “…Also, why did they have to wait for COVID? If the plan was to kill people off for control, why not MMR? DTP? Polio? The flu shot? Why not put the “kill everyone” stuff in some other vax that we all are required to take, …”

    I think they planned for a much bigger uptake. I think they also planned for the virus to be much more virulent and it broke up to be less dangerous too soon.

    “Also, consider this: if the vax is designed to kill, this grand scheme is going to kill off all of the compliant, trusting “sheeple” and leave behind all the freedom-loving, ungovernable, untrusting and highly questioning folks…”

    Robots. They were going to kill off as many as they could then use robots connected to the internet to wipe out the rest of us. Probably coming soon.

    “…Well, the longer we go about with this thing running amok in the general population, the longer we’re playing a game of “fuck around and find out” with COVID, because viruses in general populations morph and change over time…”

    It’s well known that viruses become less lethal over time. Don’t pretend you don’t know this. Also that some people have a virus means that SHAZAAMM it’s going to mutate and kill us all because we are surrounded by viruses constantly form all sorts of plants and animals so unless you are willing to kill of everything living then that’s not a good excuse.

    “…Hopefully that explains why people are so pushy about others getting vaxxed…”

    No it doesn’t because it’s wrong and there are other motives that we haven’t completely seen yet.

    And by the way if it’s so important to get rid of this then why give people a mRNA vax that sheds parts of the virus all over and not just give them Ivermectin that cures people for less than a dollar????? Where’s you’re explanation for that????? I bet you have a good one.

  19. Harry Jones says:

    Sam, you’re unfocused. Almost ranting.

    Goober, I won’t second guess your personal choice not to get the vaccine. I have similar trust issues myself. I got vaccinated, and no regrets so far. But I’m not one of those people who think everybody should do what they themselves do.

    If the government wants herd immunity, then the government needs to earn the trust of 70% of the people. They seem to be on the wrong track as far as that goes.

    I’m also seeing a lot of noncompliance on masking and social distancing. The government’s response? Strident preaching and screeching. It all makes we want to applaud the defiance. Even if the nannies turn out to be right, they haven’t earned the right.

  20. Sam J. says:

    Harry Jones says, “Sam, you’re unfocused. Almost ranting.”

    In truth I am the opposite of what you have said.

    I have nailed down and made plain the mentality of those that cause us so much grief. They are lying to us. There are events that prove this. I have named a few of them.

    Notice you don’t bother to refute anything I said, difficult. Your response is a well worn Jew response. Can’t answer, can’t refute, can’t debate, call people names.

  21. Wang Wei Lin says:

    Sam J.,

    The reality that our rulers are lying to us is not just an American mindset. You’ve probably seen this before:

    “We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” — attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn.

  22. Sam J. says:

    Wang Wei Lin says, “The reality that our rulers are lying to us is not just an American mindset.”

    Be careful, the little French Trotsky will shake his head and demand Qui! Qui!

  23. Harry Jones says:

    Wang, I long ago concluded that much of polite society is kayfabe, a collection of agreed upon lies as a kind of game.

    It always struck me as a stupid game. I think the motivation is to avoid angering the narcissists in power. It’s a sign that our priorities are built around fear of crazy people.

    A newcomer into any situation will be confused by the kayfabe. Nobody will tell you the reason for fear of being overheard. So you have to figure it out for yourself. Who’s the crazy person? He’s easy to spot. Now, why does he have power? That’s the hard part to figure out.

    Half the time it boils down to inherited money. The other half of the time it boils down to enablers with a misguided sense of compassion.

  24. Altitude Zero says:

    1. I do not believe that there is any way that vaccines as leaky and ineffective as those that we have now can provide herd immunity, and a good many scientists and medical professionals agree.

    2. This being the case, they hysterical push to vaccinate everyone now, Now, NOW! is enough to make me suspicious. Some of the worst decisions in American history were made in this kind of atmosphere.

    3. Given what I know, it seems to me that the vax/no vax equation is as follows; if you are under the age of thirty or so, and are not in a high-risk group, the risks of the vax are probably greater than the benefits; if you are over 65 or 70, the benefits probably outweigh the risks; in between, it’s a judgement call, depending on your age, overall health, etc. I could of course be wrong, but from what I have read, that’s the way it looks.

  25. Sam J. says:

    Ivermectin is being banned in Australia unless you go through some board or something. Doctors can no longer prescribe it on their own. They want to murder and control as many Australians as possible. There is no other way to look at this because the studies are 100% that Ivermectin knocks out corona.

  26. Jim says:

    I feel that almost every vaccine-skeptic would be well-convinced by a thorough purge of the United States Government, the MainStream Media, and the Fortune 500, a redone Presidential election, the total collapse of Wall Street, a judiciously executed Detroitification of Silicon Valley, a second 9/11 Commission, an end to warrantless wiretapping and government surveillance, an end to warrantless “data collection” and corporate surveillance, rededicating the FBI and its many wonderful men and women to the enforcement of antitrust, a fatwa against the Rockefeller Foundation and all its devilspawn, recriminalization of usury, reinstitution of sound money, restoration of due process, banning the chemicals in the food and water responsible for making every fat and unhealthy, assessing trillions in damages to the perpetrators of the aforementioned, closing almost all of the hospitals on grounds of public health, invading Canada and Australia on grounds of human rights, and reforming immigration policy to comport with the philosophy, comprehensible and amenable to all, of Open Borders For Hotties.

    The Pandemic is killing people. Fortunately, we have a cure. The vaccine is safe and effective. To end the Pandemic, we must get everyone fully vaccinated. That means making tough choices. We must be willing to take radical action to regain the public trust. No sacrifice is too great. If it means becoming trustworthy again, that is just what we will have to do. Inshallah.

  27. Gavin Longmuir says:

    Jim: “To end the Pandemic, we must get everyone fully vaccinated.”

    What pandemic? Not so long ago, English authorities quietly slipped into one of their reports that Covid was then the 19th-largest cause of death there.

    If we believe the PCR tests, large numbers of people have already caught the virus and their bodies have fought it off naturally, leaving them with strong natural immunity to the disease. Tens of millions of people are already better than vaccinated.

    The only way for the authorities to “regain the public trust” is for them to shut down their Operation Fear, start treating us as responsible adults, being honest with us, and punishing all those officials who have knowingly pushed falsehoods about Covid.

  28. Freddo says:

    Operation Fear needs to continue at least until the Democrats have managed to pass their 3.5T slush fund.

    On the other hand, if I was a believer in conspiracy theories, I’d prefer that the global financial elites use Corona as an excuse for their shenanigans. I’d hate to see them engineer a war in Ukraine or Taiwan for that purpose.

  29. Harry Jones says:

    There are people who just shouldn’t be trusted. My policy has been to get those people out of my life wherever possible. They don’t always willingly leave me alone.

    When public trust in a government fails, what happens next? Does the system self correct by replacing bad people with good people? That’s how democracy was supposed to work.

    The democratic process is plan A.

  30. Sam J. says:

    Via Vox Day. Interview with two of Frances health officials, or former health officials.

    “France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”"

    The people responsible for this are so far into it I don’t think they can stop. I expect they will release some sort of really catastrophically deadly virus at some point.

    In fact if they win most of them are a bunch of psychopaths so their next move will be to kill off all the other psychopaths that they are sure will be coming for them, as they will be. There will be no one left if they are allowed to continue.

    All the people collaborating with them will be killed off.

  31. Jim says:

    Gavin: “What pandemic?”

    The Pandemic, Gavin. Don’t be obtuse. It’s killing gobs of people and everyone is rightly terrified of being scooped by the Grim Reaper of Deadly Disease and Death. FEAR FEAR FEAR!

    Freddy: “Operation Fear needs to continue at least until the Democrats have managed to pass their 3.5T slush fund.”

    3.5T slush fund? What 2.3T slush fund? When has anybody ever heard of a 1.1T slush fund? That’s absurd, quite frankly. A 0.3T slush fund is too much for anyone. Get out of here with you and your crazy ideas of a 0T slush fund.

    Harry: “There are people who just shouldn’t be trusted.”

    Exactly right. And those people we call Rona Deniers (and Blasphemers).

    Sam: “The people responsible for this are so far into it I don’t think they can stop. I expect they will release some sort of really catastrophically deadly virus at some point.”

    Next you’ll be saying they painted those Denver Airport murals because they, like, knew something was coming. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! (Points to head, sticks out tongue, rolls eyes.)

  32. Jim says:

    Many have asked me to elaborate on the of the chemicals in the food and water, so elaborate I shall.

    It’s very simple: Turns out, Alex “Ten Years Too Old” Jones is right about almost everything. Time has proven thus. For the past half-century, corporations (the government’s chosen form of political organization) have been “accidentally” exposing you, your parents, and your grandparents to a bizarre industrial stew of chemicals that, turns out, turn the frigging frogs gay.

    The solution to this is simple: swiftly and prejudiciously executed highly public… uh… you know… urban renewal with exquisitely decorated lampposts. Yeah.

    But following the grisly public spectacle of the guilty parties getting their comeuppance in full, what do you do with all the disgustingly fat people?

    The solution to this is equally simple: camps for the fat. You could call them fat camps. Internment will be compulsory: every man with a body fat percentage above 20, every woman with a body fat percentage above 30, every child who prefers to gaym inside rather than small-caliber riflery involving shooting Apples off fence posts outside. Needless to say, though compulsory, they’ll be modeled after concentration camps like the Germans’, not death camps like the Americans’. In addition to only the most modern and cutting-edge of delousing technologies, each camp will come fully equipped with its own swimming pool and symphony orchestra. Retarded libertarians will protest this on grounds of civil liberties or whatever. To them I say, “Sure, retard, but it’s everyone’s right to be thin and healthy. You can get out the moment you’re lean and fuarking shredded, m8. Six-pack abs macht frei.”

  33. Sam J. says:

    Goober says, “Ever heard the term ‘fuck around and find out?’ Well, the longer we go about with this thing running amok in the general population, the longer we’re playing a game of ‘fuck around and find out’ with COVID.”

    Well the wait is over. We have 100% proof in a whole country of billions, India, where Ivermectin completely stopped corona. So when do we start distributing Ivermectin???

    The only place in India corona is not licked is where in one province a pharm linked health official said not use Ivermectin. They are talking about hanging her for all the deaths. GREAT IDEA! I think hanging lying officials will do more to stop corona that anything.

    Jim says, “Next you’ll be saying they painted those Denver Airport murals because they, like, knew something was coming. Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! (Points to head, sticks out tongue, rolls eyes.)”

    The paintings are bad but the statue of Anubis and the apocalyptic blue horse with the red glowing eyes really freaks me out.

  34. Sam J. says:

    Jim says, “Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! (Points to head, sticks out tongue, rolls eyes.)”

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