Good for America

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

James K. Glassman thinks that letting the UAE’s DP World run American ports is Good for America:

Using Schumeresque logic, the U.S. should ban flights into the U.S. by airlines from Arab countries, and we should certainly bar any cargo from being loaded in Arab ports and bound for the U.S. (‘If you are worried about a bomb in a box going off in New York, you need to worry about who loads the container overseas rather than the terminal operator who unloads it in the U.S.,’ says someone who actually knows something about port security, Theodore Price of Optimization Alternatives, a Texas company that provides terminal-operating software.) In fact, one would suppose that Dubai, with billions at stake, would be more careful — not less — about assisting in anti-terror activities at U.S. ports if it is actually operating them.

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