Bruce Sterling on architecture, design, science fiction, futurism and involuntary parks

Saturday, November 10th, 2018

Benjamin Bratton interviews Bruce Sterling on architecture, design, science fiction, futurism and involuntary parks:


  1. Kirk says:

    Am I the only one watching this video who is suddenly a lot less interested in reading any more of Brucie’s meandering nonsensicality?

    Seeing this arrogant name-dropping twat in living color suddenly clarifies a lot of why I’ve always found his work turgid and uninteresting. Someone inflated his ego way past the recommended safe pressure, and I suspect that if his equally arrogant interviewer were to stroke that massive thing much more, that fancy room would be splattered with the resulting effects of a cranial explosion that would look like someone detonated a few pounds of C4 near the base of dear twee little Brucie’s skull.

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