Where did we lose the microbes?

Saturday, November 28th, 2015

Italian microbiologists compared the intestinal microbes of young villagers in Burkina Faso with those of children in Florence, Italy:

The villagers, who subsisted on a diet of mostly millet and sorghum, harbored far more microbial diversity than the Florentines, who ate a variant of the refined, Western diet. Where the Florentine microbial community was adapted to protein, fats, and simple sugars, the Burkina Faso microbiome was oriented toward degrading the complex plant carbohydrates we call fiber.


“It was the most different human microbiota composition we’d ever seen,” Sonnenburg told me. To his mind it carried a profound message: The Western microbiome, the community of microbes scientists thought of as “normal” and “healthy,” the one they used as a baseline against which to compare “diseased” microbiomes, might be considerably different than the community that prevailed during most of human evolution.

And so Sonnenburg wondered: If the Burkina Faso microbiome represented a kind of ancestral state for humans — the Neolithic in particular, or subsistence farming — and if the transition between that state and modern Florence represented a voyage from an agriculturalist’s existence to 21st-century urban living, then where along the way had the Florentines lost all those microbes?


Humans can’t digest soluble fiber, so we enlist microbes to dismantle it for us, sopping up their metabolites. The Burkina Faso microbiota produced about twice as much of these fermentation by-products, called short-chain fatty acids, as the Florentine. That gave a strong indication that fiber, the raw material solely fermented by microbes, was somehow boosting microbial diversity in the Africans.

Indeed, when Sonnenburg fed mice plenty of fiber, microbes that specialized in breaking it down bloomed, and the ecosystem became more diverse overall. When he fed mice a fiber-poor, sugary, Western-like diet, diversity plummeted. (Fiber-starved mice were also meaner and more difficult to handle.) But the losses weren’t permanent. Even after weeks on this junk food-like diet, an animal’s microbial diversity would mostly recover if it began consuming fiber again.

This was good news for Americans — our microbial communities might re-diversify if we just ate more whole grains and veggies. But it didn’t support the Sonnenburgs’ suspicion that the Western diet had triggered microbial extinctions. Yet then they saw what happened when pregnant mice went on the no-fiber diet: temporary depletions became permanent losses.

When we pass through the birth canal, we are slathered in our mother’s microbes, a kind of starter culture for our own community. In this case, though, pups born to mice on American-type diets — no fiber, lots of sugar — failed to acquire the full endowment of their mothers’ microbes. Entire groups of bacteria were lost during transmission. When Sonnenburg put these second-generation mice on a fiber-rich diet, their microbes failed to recover. The mice couldn’t regrow what they’d never inherited. And when these second-generation animals went on a fiberless diet in turn, their offspring inherited even fewer microbes. The microbial die-outs compounded across generations.


  1. Bomag says:

    When Sonnenburg put these second-generation mice on a fiber-rich diet, their microbes failed to recover.

    Maybe in the lab. I suspect that in the world at large, they would eventually recover those microbes.

    How about Eskimos? Or Inuit, whatever. They subsist on very little fiber and seem to do okay.

  2. Talnik says:

    Average lifespan in Burkina Faso is 56 years vs. 83 years in Italy; there are more important issues to address.

  3. Bob Sykes says:

    The so-called scientists are pig ignorant. The Burkina Faso diet is the evolutionary new diet. The Italian diet is not paleo, but it much closer than the African grain diet.

  4. Cornelius says:

    The theory was for a long time that Africans had low instance of colon cancer because of the high fiber diet they ate in comparison to Europeans and Americans.

    Somehow it is the microbes rather than the fiber that accounts for the low instance of colon cancer in Africans?

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