Popular Posts of All Time

Saturday, January 10th, 2015

When I compiled my list of Popular Posts of 2014, our Slovenian guest suggested I do the same “for the blog over-all” — so I compiled a list of the top posts from November, 2005, when I first installed Google Analytics, until now:

  1. Icelandic skipper kills shark with bare hands (2003)
  2. A One-Way Ticket to Mars (2009)
  3. Stalin’s half-man, half-ape super-warriors (2005)
  4. Rich, Black, Flunking (2009)
  5. The ‘Israelification’ of airports (2010)
  6. Foux Da Fa Fa (2007)
  7. Archetypal Stories (2004)
  8. Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics (2008)
  9. Why do so many terrorists have engineering degrees? (2010)
  10. Myostatin, Belgian Blue, and Flex Wheeler (2004)

A few years didn’t make the top 10 — the recent ones, mostly:


  1. Magus Janus says:

    Very cool, thanks. Just read them all!

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