Major Boobage

Thursday, March 27th, 2008

I just about choked while watching the opening minutes of the latest South Park, which I did not yet know was titled Major Boobage.

You see, Kenny starts trippin’, the background turns to outer space, and he falls into a sports car as it descends to the nearest planet’s surface. Yes, it’s an homage to 1981′s Heavy Metal.

This clip isn’t from the opening, but it’s a later scene in the same vein:

As long as I’m sharing South Park clips, here’s another fave:

That brings back some memories — of the 25th century.

Addendum: The whole Major Boobage episode in now online — but not embeddable. The scene in question is from minute two through minute four, almost exactly.

If you’d like a taste of the original movie, this Heavy Metal trailer, for the remastered video, should give you the feel:

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