An engineer tells his tale of institutional memory and reverse smuggling:
Thus I landed the strange job of trying to explain to the company how its plant worked.
I could draw on several kinds of personal memory for this job. I remembered how some things worked, and the 30-year-ancient engineering practices were my own. More importantly, I had an idea of what was important and how the pieces fit together.
Perhaps equally importantly, I unofficially had some documentation. During our office moves and reorganizations, the document situation became increasingly dire. I would wait days to get something mailed to me, after tracking down a series of merged document libraries, some of which were halfway through the digitization processes. Paranoid corporate management also had rules about anything relating to trade secrets, which meant anything relating to the polymer process at all, which made it hard to work while visiting contractors’ offices.
So, we developed a don’t-ask/don’t-tell policy of making private copies of documents and carrying them around with us. Engineers, to generalize, hate waiting around for stupid reasons, and having documents meant that we could get to work. It also made us look better, since we got things done on time, instead of having to send out lame excuses that we’re late because we’re waiting on a fax.
My job now was to smuggle these documents back into the company. I would be happy to just hand them over. But that doesn’t make any sense to the company. The company officially has these documents (digitally managed!), and officially I don’t. In reality, the situation is the reverse, but who wants to hear that? God knows what official process would let me fix that.
No, the documents need to be brought back in to where they ‘already were’ unofficially. Physical copies are made and added to the local group library. Eventually they’ll probably work their way into the digital document management system, the next time someone canvasses and notices some documents with no inventory control tags. I hope they aren’t lost this time, because I won’t be around in another 30 years to smuggle them back in again.
Oh, and as an external consultant, I’m not allowed to know some of the trade secrets in the documents. The internal side of the team needs to handle the sensitive process information, and be careful about how that information crosses boundaries when talking to the external consultants. Unfortunately, the internal team doesn’t know what the secrets are, while I do. I even invented a few of them, and have my name on some related patents. Nonetheless, I need to smuggle these trade secrets back into the company, so that the internal side can handle them. They just have to make sure they don’t accidentally repeat them back to me.
We hear a lot about the spy-movie kind of corporate espionage. I’d love to read a study of reverse corporate espionage, where companies forget their own secrets and employees have to unofficially get them back. I’m convinced it happens more than you’d think.
(Hat tip to Ilkka.)