Rebuilding Everything

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

David Brin prepared a pitch for a reality show I would definitely watch — Rebuilding Everything:

Imagine a “reality” TV show with a more elevated aim and loads of attractive content for the mind… but also heaps of tension and drama.

Picture “Survivor” meets “The 1900 House” meets “Junkyard Wars”… then throw in lots of fascinating Discovery Channel riffs… along with a dash of “The Flintstones”. Then add a sensation that viewers are actually learning something of value, becoming a little more capable and knowing about their own culture.

In the ultimate challenge, competitive teams race each other, starting from scratch to rebuild civilization!

Participants begin almost naked, except for a handheld web-communicator device — a top-end, broadband web accessory — that lets them consult with “the gods”… in other words with experts anywhere in the world. Editors will splice these capsule “how to” lessons with contestants’ fumbling efforts to follow the advice.

Instead of just surviving, they must chip flint, make spears and arrows and traps, stitch clothing from hides (no animals will be killed directly by the show). Once the Stone Age has been conquered, the contestants move on to re-invent pottery, weaving and agriculture — then mining and smithing copper ore, then bronze, iron and so on. Any next step must be taken by using technologies achieved at the previous level.

Once they succeed at a task, it is assumed that their “civilization” (their team) has that technology from then on. They will be provided any tools they require from that level, in order to attempt the next. (A ready supply of primitive tools can be found, easily available, from many amateur groups online. And more support groups may be spawned by the show itself.)

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