How the anthropogenic global warming disaster developed

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Mencius Moldbug explains how the entire anthropogenic global warming disaster developed:

First: out of genuine curiosity, people started trying to build climate models, measure CO2, and the like.

Second: since [the U.S. government] is not a charity, they had to apply for grants and describe the importance of their work.

Third: they noticed, consciously or subconsciously, that an easy way to make their work seem more important was to predict disastrous consequences.

Fourth: the same evolutionary feedback process that, in a falsifiable science, eradicates error, operated to promote it. Researchers and fields which produced more alarming results received more funding — because, by definition, their work was more important.

Iterate to the point of sheer insanity, and you have the [anthropogenic global warming] research community we have today.

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