Give them living eulogies

Sunday, February 4th, 2018

Megan McArdle offers her own 12 rules for life:

  1. Be kind. Mean is easy; kind is hard.
  2. Politics is not the most important thing in the world. It’s just the one people talk about the most.
  3. Always order one extra dish at a restaurant, an unfamiliar one.
  4. Give yourself permission to be bad.
  5. Go to the party even when you don’t want to.
  6. Save 25 percent of your income.
  7. Don’t just pay people compliments; give them living eulogies.
  8. That thing you kinda want to do someday? Do it now.
  9. Human beings are often splendid, the world is often glorious, and nature, red in tooth and claw, also invented kindness, charity and love. Believe in that.
  10. Don’t try to resolve fundamental conflicts with your spouse or roommates.
  11. Be grateful. No matter how awful your life seems at the moment, you have something to be grateful for.
  12. Always make more dinner rolls than you think you can eat.

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