Not everybody knows your rules

Friday, November 10th, 2017

Seinfeld co-creator Larry David did something during his Saturday Night Live monologue that is almost unknown in 21st-century America, Steve Sailer reports. He engaged in Jewish self-criticism in front of gentiles:

It’s hardly surprising that David would be the one to stumble upon this prime directive of contemporary culture: Don’t recognize Jewish patterns.

Both Seinfeld and David’s subsequent HBO series Curb Your Enthusiasm are shows about rules, about the descendants of shtetl dwellers awkwardly adrift in a world without an all-encompassing set of laws itemized in the Talmud. David’s characters are constantly either getting in trouble for violating rules that they didn’t know existed or are outraged that other people aren’t aware of rules that seem obvious to them.

As Larry’s blond wife on Curb explains to him in exasperation after his attempt to enforce his assumption that the cutoff for Halloween trick-or-treating ought to be age 13 ends in disaster:

You know what? Not everybody knows your rules, Larry. You’ve got your own set of rules and you think everyone’s going to adhere to them, but they’re not because nobody knows them.

On SNL, Larry, who is now 70, was appealing to an older Jewish-American rule that the most obvious way for Jews to avoid criticism for stereotypically Jewish failings, such as exploiting shiksas as if they were members of a different tribe, is to try to behave better.


In other words, show some shame. And don’t try to shame everybody else.


It’s worth observing that White Guilt and Jewish Guilt are diametrically opposite. White Guilt is the worry that your ancestors were too ethnocentric, but Jewish Guilt, as given its classic formulation in Philip Roth’s Portnoy’s Complaint, is the concern that you aren’t ethnocentric enough for your ancestors.


One common explanation for why nobody, not even Larry David, is supposed to joke about Jewish tendencies is because Jews are so powerless.

An alternative and perhaps more plausible answer is because Jews are so powerful.


Indeed, much of the Late Obama Age Collapse of the progressive coalition into squabbling factions seems to be focused on heavily Jewish institutions such as Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and the universities. There isn’t all that much wealth left in red-state America for identity-politics groups to strip-mine, so their claws are now out for the wealthy institutions of blue-state America, whose leaderships are, of course, quite Jewish.

It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. An intelligent people should be able to sidestep these kinds of self-inflicted disasters. But when you make your highest priority keeping everybody else unaware, you wind up intellectually disarming yourselves as well.


  1. Bob Sykes says:

    Someone pointed out a while ago, If you want to know who’s in charge, find out whom you can’t criticize.

  2. Slovenian Guest says:

    There are no patterns, and there is no spoon.

  3. Lucklucky says:

    Typical trash from Takimag.

    As if Jews behave as a whole. Now what is the commonality between Noam Chomsky and Edward Teller or Jon Von Neumann, for example?

    The Marxists eating themselves is the nature of every revolutionary movement.

  4. Graham says:


    I sympathize.

    Sailer seems to be on to something but I’m not sure if it is exactly as he thinks it is.

    On one hand, Jewish self-parody has been a stock-in-trade of Jewish comics for generations, carried out in the full view of the gentiles longer than I have been alive. Larry David, Seinfeld himself and their show, and legendary Jackie Mason leap immediately to mind, among seemingly numberless others. For that matter, Mel Brooks whole career was as much satire of fellow Jews as of gentiles.

    On a subtler not, consider sitcoms. Classic 90s sitcoms Mad About You and Friends could be considered satire of aspirational middle-class urban SWPL New Yorkers. And they were that, and the characters could have been WASPs in many ways. But it was not trivial that the Buchmans, and the Gellers and Greens, were also Jewish. There was a mixing and reflecting of shared stereotypes going on. Sort of the last gasp of the gentle version of that kind of comedy.

    Nowadays, in common with so much else, that sort of thing is coming in for the Sauron’s eye glare from 20-something Salon writers whose university training gave them little but Critical Theory [a discipline unique in that its name could be considered both tautological and inaccurate on both counts] to work with, and left them without a civilized sense of humour or proportion.

    I think it noteworthy that the style of Jewish comedy formed in vaudeville and defined in the Catskills is now to be strangled by the current generation of the community.

    What it means when put into the larger context of the [at-last] undermining of institutions like Hollywood, I dunno. It’d be a pity if it all went the way of the music business if only because it might make it more difficult for me to get and store new content. OTOH, these things did as much harm to civilization as good so, there’s that.

  5. Sam J. says:

    Lucklucky says,”…Typical trash from Takimag

    As if Jews behave as a whole…”

    Whether Jews act as a whole or not I can’t specifically nail down but I can’t help but notice that every single country that the Jews have moved to in any large numbers has come unglued and rapidly declined while the Jews enriched themselves. As far back as ancient Egypt.

    Exodus 12
    35And the children of Israel did according to the word of Moses; and they borrowed of the Egyptians jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: 36And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required. And they spoiled the Egyptians.

    In Spain the Jews let in the Muslims and it took the Spanish 900 years to get their country back. In Russia the Jews directly overthrew the government and proceeded to massacre the populous while moving themselves into all the prime good jobs. They tried to do the same in Germany, taking over a whole province, but were fought off. Same in Hungary around the same time period. Every time they did they immediately started killing people as fast as possible.

    Now in the US the Jews have sponsored a massive societal, military and financial attack on the Whites that formally ran the country. Why aren’t “the Jews” talking about this? Why don’t all the Jewish Feminists or purveyors of the support for ending “White privilege” or for White race replacement make it clear they are Jews and why haven’t other Jews pointed it out? Why does hardly any of them notice that they are doing this? The Jews own all the mass media in the country you think they could talk about this as the Jews “differ so much”? This is not small trivial stuff. Surely there’s one different enough to notice this?

    Let’s make sure we understand. Building #7 on 9-11 fell the same speed as a rock dropped IN AIR for roughly 108 feet. Now the building fell the same speed as the rock in air, gravity is the same for the building and the rock, the rock fell through just air, so the building had to be supported by JUST AIR to fall the same speed. Well we all know the building wasn’t floating in the air the only explanation is that it was demoed.

    Now if I can see this so easily how come the smart Jews can’t. I’ve only seen two Jews notice it and one of them noticed and promptly forgot. Geraldo and Paul Craig Roberts(who has stuck with it).

    So it should be easy to excuse Whites for wondering why we can see these sort of actions and Jews can not. Could it be they can and refuse to do anything about it? If so would they ALL be responsible for the behavior of those who do such heinous actions? After all the Jews seem quite ready to blame all Whites for slavery, and every other ailment on the planet, whether they had anything to do with it or not. Shouldn’t they be held to the same standard?

  6. Graham says:

    I’m not sure the Visigothic Spaniards needed any help to lose their kingdom in the 8th century, though it did indeed take 700 odd years to get it all back. Longest more or less durable, if segmented, “anticolonial” war I can think of. [Since I gather from Crusade Studies these days we are allowed to retroactively apply these modern Marxist concepts to the Middle Ages.]

  7. Lucklucky says:

    “Whether Jews act as a whole or not I can’t specifically nail down but I can’t help but notice that every single country that the Jews have moved to in any large numbers has come unglued and rapidly declined while the Jews enriched themselves.”

    You are an historical ignorant.

    “In Spain the Jews let in the Muslims and it took the Spanish 900 years to get their country back.”


    I am Portuguese, by the way.

    “In Russia the Jews directly overthrew the government and proceeded to massacre the populous while moving themselves into all the prime good jobs.”


    “Now in the US the Jews have sponsored a massive societal, military and financial attack on the Whites that formally ran the country.”

    Ah, so the Jews convened among themselves to write many of the most famous Christmas songs then convened to destroy Christmas. Fantastic.

    Basically you are a person who doesn’t know history and replaced Marxism with Jews.

  8. Sam J. says:

    You forgot a witty remark about building #7 or was I supposed to overlook that because of the great Christmas songs?

  9. Lucklucky says:

    No time for Absurdistan.

    The nice first Portuguese Catholic king who took Lisbõa from the Moors always had Jews as allies.

  10. Harry Jones says:

    Rules are nothing without the power to enforce. Arbitrary rules are a sign of power addicts. Most rules are double standards, and some rules are flat out lies. It’s all dominance games.

    All that matters in the end is what you can get away with, and no one will tell you what that is. You have to figure it out for yourself.

    This isn’t a new thing. It’s always been this way.

    Example: in a certain city with a nice modern subway system, there are two rules prominently posted: no eating on the subway, and no running in the stations. I observe that people run in the transfer stations all the time, and with good reason. But they don’t eat on the subway. One of these rules is fake, and the other is real. But the only way to know this is to observe.

    When I’m there, I do as the locals do, and I get along just fine. I ignore the posted rules, and scrupulously obey the real rules.

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