They will not preach what they practice

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

Charles Murray discusses the state of white America — avoiding contentious issues of race by discussing non-Hispanic whites of ages 30-49, contrasting the upper 20% (the upper middle class) from the bottom 30% (the working class):

Steve Sailer picks out some salient factoids about the new class distinctions:

  • For example, the being-married rate among upper middle class whites has fallen only trivially from 88% in 1960 to 83% in 2010. Among the bottom 30%, however, the being-married rate has dropped from 83% to 48%.
  • Among the bottom 30% of whites, the illegitimacy rate was 6% in 1960 and approaching 50% in 2010.
  • A substantial majority of the upper middle class retains effective religious involvement, while a substantial majority of the white working class does not. It’s another case of data not matching popular impressions. Among those with a religion, fundamentalism is increasing. But, actual religious involvement in the working class is plummeting.

John Derbyshire has his own favorite bits:

  • The older you are in this room, the more likely it is statistically that your parents did not have college educations, and that you grew up in a working-class or lower-middle-class home yourself The younger you are in this room, the more likely it is that your parents were in the upper-middle class, were college-educated, and that you have spent your entire life living in an upper-middle class environment.
  • One of the curious things about the new upper class is precisely that they are behaving in all the right ways. They’re getting married, they’re working hard … They’re doing all the right stuff [but] they won’t dare say: “This is the way people ought to be.” They will not preach what they practice. I put this down to non-judgmentalism …


  1. Bruce Charlton says:

    “One of the curious things about the new upper class is precisely that they are behaving in all the right ways. They’re getting married, they’re working hard”

    But they are not having children.

    That much has changed a lot since 1960.

    This is significant as a cause, and even more so as a symptom.

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