Survivorship Bias and Austrian Business Cycle Theory

Friday, September 4th, 2009

Eric Falkentein shares his take on survivorship bias and Austrian business cycle theory:

When I was in charge of capital allocations at KeyCorp, I spoke with many of the business line managers, and was impressed by the fact that all of them had rather sterling track records, especially in the last recession. But I later figured this was all survivorship bias: the losers in the last recession lost their jobs. Thus, each thought they had some special alpha, special asset class, impervious to the mistakes of those who caused the big losses in the past. For a 45 year old who has never really screwed up it’s hard not to think this is the case, as opposed to merely the blind selection process of capitalism. This error is the fundamental genesis of business cycles, in my opinion.

In grad school, while learning macro, I would spend nights reading Austrian Business cycle theory, including von Mises’s Human Action (900+ pages!), and lots from Hayek. I was intrigued by the idea that business cycles were caused by a misallocation of resources, as opposed to merely ‘too much’ investment. That is, say you have 10% of the country’s resources in internet development, but discover the demand only wants 5%. All is fine as long as you don’t care about profits, look at sales/price ratios, but then eventually people get tired of not making money, someone says ‘the emperor has no clothes! There will never be profits’, and everyone stops investing in these areas. The transition from the old to new regime is only possible via firm failures and involuntary unemployment, because people don’t switch to new jobs until their old ones are gone, forcibly.

My only beef with the Austrians is that they emphasized the genesis of this missallocation via money creation, especially the fiat money creation of central banks and how this causes the interest rate to be ‘too low’, causing overinvestment in capital. This again gets into a straight aggregate overinvestment story, and that isn’t very empirically robust. I think to the extent there is overinvestment, it isn’t total investment nearly as much as in the wrong sectors. Today, that sector is housing, and finance.

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