Jim: Here’s a real policy proposal derivative of your real-life example of Governor William Bradford, “English Puritan Separatist originally from the West Riding of Yorkshire in Northern England”, émigré to the Plymouth Colony aboard the Mayflower: Let there be an office whereto reasonable capable young men shall fill out and send an application form for the purpose of obtaining arable land. The land will simply be reassigned, with the stroke of a pen, from its current...
Jim: “Socialism” and “capitalism” are hot-button words from the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. From your own citation: “At length, after much debate of things, the Governor … gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves … And so assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number, for that end.” If every family were assigned a parcel of land today you would cry...
Bob Sykes: In 1972. the US agreed that Taiwan was the 23rd province of China; that is the essence of the One China policy. That was done to separate China from the Soviet Union. It was a smart policy, and it worked to our very great advantage. Nowadays, our lunatic neocons, not satisfied with wars in Ukraine, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Palestine, Somalia, Syria, Yemen…, want wars in the China Seas, Georgia, Serbia… Marshall does not seem to realize the deep malaise and corruption that...
Gaikokumaniakku: “I didn’t come here to be bored.” Where do you usually go to be bored? I really want to get bored and I need help finding some really boring sites to visit.
T. Beholder: (there weren’t both IN that one) I enjoy a humble shitpost, it must be admitted, but the truth really is… Not what the actual participants plainly admitted? Here’s a less-humble shitpost by Itchy Bacca, compiling more (from this article and others).
Jim: I enjoy a humble shitpost, it must be admitted, but the truth really is that Thanksgiving really is a naked celebration of the White Anglo Native American’s bounty in North America taken and held by greater commitment and superior virtue. Anything else is ethnocultural erasure.
Phileas Frogg: The Manson murders are just another shuffling intimation at, “The Man Behind the Curtain,” so to speak, which are always fascinating when viewed beyond the mere brute facts of the case and placed in that context. I suppose one could consider it boring for anyone who’s already pulled the curtain back and taken a gander, but I still appreciate adding to the tally of the sheer number of milestones.
Michael van der Riet: The Manson murders are fundamentally boring and I didn’t come here to be bored.
T. Beholder: Finders and their keepers. So “mystery solved”, yes. The curiously persistent details spammed around and laughingtrack.jpg were due to focused application of smoke and mirrors.
T. Beholder: Quotes from the actual participants suffice, to be honest. William Bradford and Ralph Hamor summarized it well enough in The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving: The Triumph of Capitalism over Collectivism.
Jim: Thanksgiving is the wholesome, inclusive day that many tawny Central, Southern, and Eastern European wannabes join all white British Isles-descended Americans in celebration of our glorious supremacy in the total war of all against all that was the North American continent before the Englishman sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to dominate the Indian savage and make this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus. Observations Concerning the Increase of...
Jim: T. Beholder: “And then there were the ‘finders’. 8221; Finders, keepers?
Jim: Polanski seems like a Rosemary’s Baby sort of guy.
Jim: “Espera denied this claim until he passed away in 1999, despite his family producing a baptismal certificate with his real name.” What a stud. Notwithstanding his Italian origin, he went out like a true American.
Jim: This is one of the rare JREs whose full and complete viewing is mandatory.
Bob Sykes: The idea that there are widespread anti-government protests in China is utter nonsense, and anyone promoting those ideas is a liar or worse. Our problem is that the Chinese model is working. China’s economy, already at least 50% larger than ours (which now lags behind India, too) is growing about three times as fast as ours. China has the most modern factories and transportation systems in the world, at least one and more likely two whole technological generations ahead of us....
MF: I read somewhere that there are close to 15 million Chinese living in what is actually Russia due to the population just spilling over. Arable farmland to feed their masses is job #1. MF Long time site surfer. Buying this book.