The Feynman-Tufte Principle

Wednesday, March 30th, 2005

Edward Tufte, author of The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, was willing to speak to the Skeptics Society at Caltech in return for an unusual honorarium: the opportunity to see Feynman’s van. From The Feynman-Tufte Principle — A visual display of data should be simple enough to fit on the side of a van:

Richard Feynman, the late Caltech physicist, is famous for working on the atomic bomb, winning a Nobel Prize in Physics, cracking safes, playing drums and driving a 1975 Dodge Maxivan adorned with squiggly lines on the side panels. Most people who saw it gazed in puzzlement, but once in a while someone would ask the driver why he had Feynman diagrams all over his van, only to be told, ‘Because I’m Richard Feynman!’

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