Yahoo! News – Vandal Smashes Saintly Venice Statues with Hammer

Tuesday, June 29th, 2004

I don’t know what to say, except that this makes me angry. From Yahoo! News – Vandal Smashes Saintly Venice Statues with Hammer:

On Sunday night, a man in his 30s attacked a column of the Doge’s Palace on St Mark’s Square with a hammer, battering the statue of Moses, witnesses said. He fled after a group of Italian tourists alerted the police. The night before, someone chipped off the hands from statues of St Mark and St Francis outside the 16th century Church of the Redeemer on the island of Giudecca.

This isn’t the first time a lunatic has vandalized Italian works of art:

Geologist Laszlo Toth took a sledgehammer to Michelangelo’s Pieta in the Vatican in 1972, shouting “I am Jesus Christ!” Two decades later, an Italian painter smashed one of the toes of Michelangelo’s statue of David in Florence.

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